Sunday, September 6, 2020

What are some reasons not to vote for Trump?

  1.  192,886 dead and 6,434,526 cases of Covid 19 as of today.
  2. Trump tried to remove the preexisting requirement from health insurance.
  3. Trump withdrew funding from the WHO during a pandemic.
  4. Trump fired the pandemic response team in 2018 to save money.
  5. Trump withdrew the US from the Paris agreement on climate change.
  6. Trump tried to end transgender healthcare protections.
  7. Trump tried to pressure Ukrainian officials to interfere in our election.
  8. Trump encourages racism.
  9. Trump locked children of refugees in cages.
  10. Trump put a tariff on solar panels.
  11. Trump insults liberals.
  12. Trump is trying to cut funding for social security.

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