Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 Socialism is when powerful corporations and the mega rich are forced to return some of their ill-gotten gains to the people they duped.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Speaker Trump

 Matt Gaetz has a plan to make Donald Trump Speaker of the House but why?

Ever since his attempted coup failed back in January he has been concocting a new scheme. Remember the joke about Nancy Pelosi becoming president if the election was uncertified by the deadline or if both Trump and Pence were impeached? Trump has embraced this concept. All they have to do is get a pro Trump majority in the House and the Senate, appoint Donald Trump Speaker of the House and impeach Biden and Harris. What could be easier? Once in office, Trump will set to work on the US military. He already has many loyalists. His first step will be to remove anyone in the Pentagon who opposes him and replace them with Trump loyalists. Once he has control of the military he can exact his revenge on all those remaining who opposed him. In particular any officials who went against him, any states that swung to Biden, you get the idea. He mostly wants revenge, he doesn't really care about being president anymore.

Why doesn't he just wait until 2024 and run for president? I think he is just impatient. He doesn't want to wait that long. Then again maybe he understands that by then people will have had time to reflect on all the devastation his presidency has caused. Or as I have stated previously there is not much chance that Trump could win in a general election even with the voting restrictions being imposed across the country.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Donald Trump: Bioterrorist

 Donald Trump has come up with some colorful names for Covid-19, but what will history remember? Will this be known as the Trump Plague or the Trump Virus? He certainly has played a major role in spreading the virus with his devotees refusing to get vaccinated, refusing to wear masks, refusing to support mask mandates, refusing to support vaccine mandates.

Recently it was revealed that Donald Trump and his family attempted a biological weapon assassination on then Presidential candidate Joe Biden when they tested positive for Covid, then attended the debate without wearing masks. Did they discuss the possibility that Joe Biden might contract Covid and there was a good chance it would kill him? Was that their plan when they all went into that room and blatantly removed their masks? I think it was pretty likely that that was the plan all along.

This article from 2020 suggests portrays Trump as the most successful bioterrorist of all time. And now even more about his attacks:


Friday, October 22, 2021

Trump 2024

 I personally don’t believe it will be impossible for Trump to ever win a general election. His base has effectively ruined any chance of Republicans taking the White House as long as he is nominee. Too bad for them, good for America. On the other hand, if Donald Trump were to win the presidency, and you didn't vote for him, or live in a state that did not go to him, you should be very, very afraid. He is not just out to get reelected. He is out for revenge.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tucker Carlson Killed Colin Powell

Tucker Carlson should feel responsible for Colin Powell's death as should Senator Ron Johnson and any of the other republicans who have been promoting the anti-covid-vaccination movement in America. Their actions since the beginning of the pandemic have greatly increased the likely-hood that immunocompromised Americans like Colin Powell would become infected and die, even if they may not have directly infected them. But what is the motive behind this murder?

The plan of the Republican party is to prolong the pandemic into the mid-term elections. At that point they will blame President Biden for not stopping the pandemic, and they hope they can flip the House of Representatives. Trump is going to try to postpone the investigation into his insurrection for as long as possible and then if Republicans take the House it all goes away.

It is kind of an obvious plan. Unfortunately prolonging the pandemic will result in hundreds of thousands of Americans dying. They don't care who dies. They only care about power. They are largely controlled by white supremacists and neo-nazis now anyway.

So why does Donald Trump want to get reelected? Well apart from the obvious, that it will keep him from going broke and likely going to jail, he will be able to get revenge. Trump wants revenge and he wants it bad. He wants revenge on all the Americans who voted against him. He hates America for electing Joe Biden over him and his revenge will know no bounds. Be assured Trump does not want to make America Great, he never really did. He used to want America to worship him, even though he proved himself a totally incompetent leader with the temperament of a spoiled child.

Trump's goal now is to destroy America.

Now, I personally believe that Trump can never win a general election again. If that's true then the Republican party should be worried because he is the preferred candidate, which means the Republicans lose in 2024. There are other people who think Trump can win. If he wins then the rest of us should be worried.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Be a Patriot, Wear a Mask

When you wear a mask it means you care about your health, you care about other people's health, you care about our healthcare workers, and you care about the United States. Be a patriot and wear a mask. The virus is our enemy, not each other.

When you get vaccinated it means you care about your health, you care about other people's health, you care about our healthcare workers, and you care about the United States. Be a patriot and get vaccinated. The virus is our enemy, not each other.

Friday, September 3, 2021

I wish...

 I wish Covid had never happened.

I wish that 1500 American deaths per day were a lie.

I wish that Covid would just go away.

Wishing something does not make it happen.

I have learned enough to distinguish reality from fiction. I have looked at the numbers. I have looked at the trends. I have researched a large number of sources of information from around the world.

The fact is Covid is real.

1500 Americans on average are currently dying of Covid every day and the numbers are increasing.

Covid will only go away if people take action. Those actions are wear a mask when you are in public and indoors. Get vaccinated as soon as possible. Remain socially distanced.

We are in this for the long haul. It is going to take time.

I wish that climate change were not happening.

I wish that fossil fuel usage did not contribute to climate change.

I wish climate change would just go away.

Wishing something does not make it happen. The climate change crisis we are currently facing will only be solved if we take aggressive action to stop it.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Why are you against masks?

So, you don't like wearing masks. But do you know why? It turns out the person responsible for this, the one who made this a political issue anyway, was Stephen Miller. You may have heard him referred to as the Jewish Nazi. It was Stephen Miller who suggested to President Trump to make a political issue out of mask wearing. Against the advice of Trump's own CDC and health experts. Soon afterwards republican governors and legislators around the country turned mask wearing into a political issue. Much to the benefit of the virus. Today people will violently defend their right to go without a mask. If Trump had strongly supported mask wearing this would not have been an issue. Everyone would be wearing masks. There also would have been a large number of lives saved. Now you know where it came from. Who's the sheeple now?


 "Why are you against wearing masks?"

When asked this question most people will respond that it is about personal freedom, freedom of expression, or the first amendment. Some people may state that they are uncomfortable or make it hard to breath, or that they read somewhere that it may concentrate carbon dioxide levels in the blood (not true!).

The true reason has little to do with personal freedom and a lot to do with Neo-Nazis. You see during President Donald Trump's presidential campaign senior policy advisor, speech writer, (and white supremacist) Stephen Miller advised President Trump not to embrace mask wearing. President Trump famously removed his mask after being released from the hospital in a sign of triumph that many of his fans remember fondly (I'm sure), most other people were rather horrified.

Now President Trump could have done, what any other president before him, Democrat or Republican, would have done, and promoted mask wearing. Instead he decided to join the side of the virus. There are only two sides during this pandemic. You are either on the side of the virus or against it. The virus has no political affiliation.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Viral Politics

 There seem to be two camps that have arisen in the US about the Covid-19 virus. Those who support the scientists and medical professionals, and those who support the virus. 

Viruses are not political. They are just tiny particles that act as mobile genetic elements.

The scientists are not political. They just look at the data and come to a conclusion.

I don't understand why a political party would deliberately promote behavior that will result in the spread of the virus such as not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated, gathering in large crowds.

This virus should have been a unifying principle with both parties joining together to defeat the common enemy of the people (the virus). Instead one party decided early on to go in the opposite direction. It is just incomprehensible to me.

Both parties should support wearing masks, both parties should support vaccinations, both parties should support social distancing, both parties should support hand washing.

I think they should require vaccinations to fly on an airplane. That would probably get more people to get vaccinated.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Let People Vote

I believe that in a democracy every person who is eligible to vote should be able to vote. It is not really a democracy if there are eligible voters who wanted to vote and are not able to.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Parallel Universe

 A year ago in a parallel universe the populous President Donald Trump stands on the balcony at the White House and proudly puts on a mask as he declares that anyone who doesn't wear a mask is not patriotic. Any time he is seen in public he is wearing a mask. Anyone caught not wearing a mask is subject to a strict $200 fine. Scientists estimate his actions over the past year saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Of course he is reelected in a landslide victory.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

You Can't Stop a Pandemic

I heard someone say that you can't stop a pandemic. For the covid-19 pandemic this is probably true. Italy, France, Germany, England, and the United States were all hit.

There are however things you can do to lessen it's impact. Trump did a terrible job at handling this crisis. Trump was always incompetent but he could rely on his voice to get himself out of trouble. He made so many mistakes.

Limbaugh is Dead

I didn't listen to Rush Limbaugh much but I know he believed in gloating. I think he would expect his haters to gloat over his death. 

Rush was always a voice of hatred, anger, and ridicule. He promoted policies that benefited the very rich and therefore himself.

I am sad to see someone live their life in such a way that so many celebrate when they are gone.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Trump Stink

I have started hearing about "Trump Stink" and is it possible to get off.


 I recommend to first cover the stinky area in bleach, and then expose to intense UV radiation.

Friday, January 15, 2021

If not to commit sedition, then why?

 Why did Trump lie about winning an election he lost if not to commit sedition?

Why did Trump lie about massive voter fraud if not to commit sedition?

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Social Dilemma

 The Social Dilemma is a program on Netflix that describes how social media platforms such as Facebook use AI. The AI algorithms track exactly how long each user spends interacting with each post and making adjustments for each individual with a goal to get them to spend more time on social media. The users are the product of social media which is then sold to other companies which pay for user information. I knew most of this already although I had noticed recently that Facebook was getting better at manipulating me into replying to trolling comments.

The AI algorithms are sort of black boxes or DOEs. They just make subtle adjustments and see if it makes you spend more time on the platform. They don't necessarily have any real intelligence they just have goals and some manipulation tools. They are learning systems so the programmers don't really know exactly what the AI are doing.

Some observations since social media was introduced are some unintended consequences.

This has been blamed for polarization of the political parties and growth in extremism on both the far right and the far left. There has also been an increase in teen and preteen suicide.

Now for a conspiracy theory. What if the spread of Covid-19 was inadvertently being increased by AI systems? The more Covid-19 spread, the more people are using social media, and the more online shopping they are doing. From the AI point of view it could be a seen as a good thing since social media is being used more and companies like Amazon are getting more revenue.

The spread of misinformation about the virus, the refusal to wear masks, the claims that it is not harmful, and concerns about the vaccine all result in greater social isolation and greater use of social media in the long run.

They could set the goals to decrease violent crime or decrease teen suicide. Decrease poverty, homelessness, school shootings. Make a more sustainable economy. Or manipulate society however you like. I suppose other countries are currently using it for those purposes. Facebook set a goal to increase interim voting in the 2018 election and succeeded.

But it's sort of like asking a genie for a wish. You have to be very careful how you phrase it so there are not unintended consequences.

Monday, January 11, 2021


 Trump lied about widespread election fraud in an attempt to overturn an election he lost. We aren't used to seeing a President of the United States do something like this. To other countries this type of power struggle is all too familiar. This constitutes the crime of sedition. The attempt to overturn the legally elected government of a country. He was not alone in his crime. Those who knowingly spread this lie of voter fraud are also guilty of the same crime. 

The claimed to have evidence of the voter fraud, but in the end it turned out to just be lies.

Friday, January 8, 2021

American Patriots

 Most of the Americans attending the rally on Wednesday (1/6/2021) probably did not expect they would be part of a mob the stormed the capital and beat a police officer to death.

They were upset about their voting rights being violated by a rigged election. That the election was a cheat and a steal. Why did they feel this way? There was no evidence to support a rigged election. The only reason there was any talk about a rigged election was that President Trump, seeing that he was losing the election on election night, started lying about election fraud. If it had just been Trump it may not have gone very far, however President Trump was supported by a number of congressmen, senators, and media outlets such as Fox News that propagated this lie.

These rally attendees felt they were patriots who had been cheated by the election. Why? President Trump had continued to whip his supporters into a frenzy to see how far he could push them. The right wing media and members of congress supported the President's lies by repeating them and casting doubt on America's electoral process.

Wednesday morning President Trump addressed the rally and asked his supporters to march to the capital in a show of strength. Many of his supporters were from far right groups such as QAnon and the Proud Boys. Some of them had brought handcuffs, Molotov cocktails, long guns, and pipe bombs. They believed they would be taking over congress, it would be a revolution.

In the end, one of the mob was shot and killed, several others died of health issues, and a policeman was beaten to death.

This is what happens when the president is allowed to propagate lies that undermine the foundations of our democracy.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trump's Base

 Over time Trump's base will grow smaller and more extreme. I have been predicting it for awhile now. After yesterday this will become much more obvious.

Trump supporters yesterday: "I totally support storming the capital."

Trump supporters today: "It must have been Antifa."