Sunday, December 12, 2021

Speaker Trump

 Matt Gaetz has a plan to make Donald Trump Speaker of the House but why?

Ever since his attempted coup failed back in January he has been concocting a new scheme. Remember the joke about Nancy Pelosi becoming president if the election was uncertified by the deadline or if both Trump and Pence were impeached? Trump has embraced this concept. All they have to do is get a pro Trump majority in the House and the Senate, appoint Donald Trump Speaker of the House and impeach Biden and Harris. What could be easier? Once in office, Trump will set to work on the US military. He already has many loyalists. His first step will be to remove anyone in the Pentagon who opposes him and replace them with Trump loyalists. Once he has control of the military he can exact his revenge on all those remaining who opposed him. In particular any officials who went against him, any states that swung to Biden, you get the idea. He mostly wants revenge, he doesn't really care about being president anymore.

Why doesn't he just wait until 2024 and run for president? I think he is just impatient. He doesn't want to wait that long. Then again maybe he understands that by then people will have had time to reflect on all the devastation his presidency has caused. Or as I have stated previously there is not much chance that Trump could win in a general election even with the voting restrictions being imposed across the country.

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