Wednesday, July 3, 2024

How Will American Democracy End?

How will American democracy end? American capitalism is based on a system where corporations are given authority over people. A small group of people benefit greatly from this system and become millionaires and billionaires. They can invest a small fraction of their money to elect candidates who benefit corporations and the wealthy by giving them huge tax breaks. The ROI is huge. The problem is corporations are designed not to have empathy. They are legally mandated to only care about one thing; profit. In spite of this they are now considered legal persons.

“Legal scholars and others, such as Joel Bakan, have observed that a business corporation created as a ‘legal person’ has a psychopathic personality because it is required to elevate its own interests above those of others even when this inflicts major risks and grave harms on the public or on other third-parties. Such critics note that the legal mandate of the corporation to focus exclusively on corporate profits and self-interest often victimizes employees, customers, the public at large, and/or the natural resources.” Wkipedia

One of the major problems the United States will face in the coming decades will be the deficit. The only realistic way to eliminate the deficit is to raise taxes. Republicans refuse to do this repeating the lie of Laffer economics. It runs out the Laffer curve only kicks in around 70% tax rate. Once the lending rating drops the debt will spiral out of control which will probably lead to hyperinflation and a downward spiral of more and more extreme leaders. And that’s it.

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