Friday, August 14, 2015

Role of Corporations

What is the role of corporations, what purpose do they serve?

  1. Provide a return on investment for investors.
  2. Provide goods and services to their customers.
  3. Provide jobs for their employees.
  4. Grow the economy of the region.
Emphasis is usually placed on the first and second of these but three and four are perhaps even more important.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tolerance, Sustainability, and the Working Class: Branding for the Democratic Party

I was listening to public radio and they were talking about what the democratic party brand should be.  A caller suggested the "working class" should be the focus of the party.  I like this but it needs to embrace more ideas.  For me sustainability is one of the most important concepts for the future of the planet.  A third idea is the need to embrace cultural diversity through tolerance.  There could be more like education and science but it is best to limit your brand to three things.

Working class Americans