Thursday, August 19, 2021

Why are you against masks?

So, you don't like wearing masks. But do you know why? It turns out the person responsible for this, the one who made this a political issue anyway, was Stephen Miller. You may have heard him referred to as the Jewish Nazi. It was Stephen Miller who suggested to President Trump to make a political issue out of mask wearing. Against the advice of Trump's own CDC and health experts. Soon afterwards republican governors and legislators around the country turned mask wearing into a political issue. Much to the benefit of the virus. Today people will violently defend their right to go without a mask. If Trump had strongly supported mask wearing this would not have been an issue. Everyone would be wearing masks. There also would have been a large number of lives saved. Now you know where it came from. Who's the sheeple now?

 "Why are you against wearing masks?"

When asked this question most people will respond that it is about personal freedom, freedom of expression, or the first amendment. Some people may state that they are uncomfortable or make it hard to breath, or that they read somewhere that it may concentrate carbon dioxide levels in the blood (not true!).

The true reason has little to do with personal freedom and a lot to do with Neo-Nazis. You see during President Donald Trump's presidential campaign senior policy advisor, speech writer, (and white supremacist) Stephen Miller advised President Trump not to embrace mask wearing. President Trump famously removed his mask after being released from the hospital in a sign of triumph that many of his fans remember fondly (I'm sure), most other people were rather horrified.

Now President Trump could have done, what any other president before him, Democrat or Republican, would have done, and promoted mask wearing. Instead he decided to join the side of the virus. There are only two sides during this pandemic. You are either on the side of the virus or against it. The virus has no political affiliation.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Viral Politics

 There seem to be two camps that have arisen in the US about the Covid-19 virus. Those who support the scientists and medical professionals, and those who support the virus. 

Viruses are not political. They are just tiny particles that act as mobile genetic elements.

The scientists are not political. They just look at the data and come to a conclusion.

I don't understand why a political party would deliberately promote behavior that will result in the spread of the virus such as not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated, gathering in large crowds.

This virus should have been a unifying principle with both parties joining together to defeat the common enemy of the people (the virus). Instead one party decided early on to go in the opposite direction. It is just incomprehensible to me.

Both parties should support wearing masks, both parties should support vaccinations, both parties should support social distancing, both parties should support hand washing.

I think they should require vaccinations to fly on an airplane. That would probably get more people to get vaccinated.