Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Be a Patriot, Wear a Mask

When you wear a mask it means you care about your health, you care about other people's health, you care about our healthcare workers, and you care about the United States. Be a patriot and wear a mask. The virus is our enemy, not each other.

When you get vaccinated it means you care about your health, you care about other people's health, you care about our healthcare workers, and you care about the United States. Be a patriot and get vaccinated. The virus is our enemy, not each other.

Friday, September 3, 2021

I wish...

 I wish Covid had never happened.

I wish that 1500 American deaths per day were a lie.

I wish that Covid would just go away.

Wishing something does not make it happen.

I have learned enough to distinguish reality from fiction. I have looked at the numbers. I have looked at the trends. I have researched a large number of sources of information from around the world.

The fact is Covid is real.

1500 Americans on average are currently dying of Covid every day and the numbers are increasing.

Covid will only go away if people take action. Those actions are wear a mask when you are in public and indoors. Get vaccinated as soon as possible. Remain socially distanced.

We are in this for the long haul. It is going to take time.

I wish that climate change were not happening.

I wish that fossil fuel usage did not contribute to climate change.

I wish climate change would just go away.

Wishing something does not make it happen. The climate change crisis we are currently facing will only be solved if we take aggressive action to stop it.